Search Interface Redesign

UX Design Project @ Guidehouse

As part of two of my internship projects, I redesigned the search interface to achieve a more streamlined search experience. It was an individual project where I led both the planning and execution. Unfortunately, I can't share specific details due to privacy reasons, but here are some brief notes. Please note that ALL the images on this page are recreations for illustrative purposes and NOT the actual designs.




June to September 2023

My role

Product designer


I was solely responsible for the project from planning to execution.
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Project Overview

the project

Develop a more streamlined search experience that could be added to the design library.

the problem

Some search and filter functionalities failed to meet user expectations, causing confusion.

Design questions

design process

To ensure that I had deliverables during my limited internship, I drafted a project plan. To understand the product and identify a problem to solve, I began by conducting secondary research, which involved accessing past research data within the organization, analyzing Google Analytics data, and identifying best practices for search and filtering. Next, I reviewed the current product and performed a comparative analysis and heuristic evaluation. Using the research data, I created low-fidelity wireframes and obtained feedback from the UX design team. Based on the feedback, I refined my designs and developed high-fidelity mockups. I then presented my design solutions with explanations to the team. After getting the manager's approval, I handed them off to be incorporated into the design library.

Diverge and Converge

Research questions

To understand the product and discover any potential areas of enhancement of the search experience, I came up with a series of research questions.

communicating with the team

While collecting research data, I maintained communication with the UX team to keep them informed about my design process. Following the analysis of the research data, I had several design direction options. I presented my research results to the team, and we discussed the directions before reaching a decision.

design and refine...

Lo-fi Wireframes

I created wireframes to implement the findings from the research I conducted.

I tried to incorporate some of the best design principles for search and filters into my designs, including the following:
    • Ensuring that the most frequently used filters are included and prioritized when necessary.
    • Displaying clear error messages that instruct users on how to recover from errors.
    • Showing the number of search results in advance when using filters, enabling users to adjust them until they reach a comfortable number.
    • Adding a search history feature so users can easily access their recent search results.

*Learn more about best practices for designing search and filters here

Design for accessibility

I also met with an accessibility expert within the organization to ensure the designs follow the 508 compliance. (e.g., Avoid just using colors to differentiate from other texts.)

hi-fidelity mockups

I presented my final design solutions to the team, and after making revisions based on their feedback, I obtained approval from my manager to hand off the hi-fidelity mockups to the team member responsible for the design library.

Filter drawer
*The example above has been recreated using elements from

design system

To maintain consistency with visual designs throughout, I followed the organization's design system.

Going Forward


During the summer of 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to intern as a product designer at Guidehouse, where I was entrusted with working on two exciting projects.

• One of the highlights of this specific project was leading my own project, which taught me valuable lessons in project management and taking ownership of my work.
Working closely with different team members was both enlightening and enjoyable. I learned how to effectively communicate with various stakeholders, from other designers on the team to developers.
Researching best practices for search designs was fascinating and gave me a deeper understanding of user-centric principles.
Presenting my final design solutions to the team was a rewarding experience. Receiving feedback and iterating on my designs reinforced the importance of continuous improvement.

Overall, this internship has equipped me with invaluable skills and insights that I'm eager to apply in my future endeavors in UX design.